Staying focused and motivated to accomplish a fitness goal is extremely difficult. This is true for even the most advanced and knowledgeable athletes and professionals in the health and fitness industry. Don’t let what you see on social media fool you. Everyone struggles and no one is perfect.
The difference between those who accomplish goals and those who do not is simply perseverance and resilience. In other words, those who accomplish their goals keep their eye on the target and recognize that there will be bumps in the road. They do not become overly discouraged when things don’t go as planned or they have a bad day. They adapt and overcome. There is no such thing as accomplishing a goal without some type of challenge, right?
In contrast, those who fail often become extremely discouraged when things don’t go their way, or they make a decision that is contrary to the goal they’ve set. They blame failure on their external environment instead of demonstrating individual responsibility and ownership. Often, the goal is set aside “for a better time,” or perhaps, eliminated entirely. Fitness goals fall victim to this mentality often as they are often viewed individually as extracurricular and not priority when, in fact, health and fitness should be an important part of daily life for everyone. After all, we have one body with a very short time to live.
How Fitness and Nutrition Coaching Can Help You
Success and failure are not so black and white. Many of us fall in the middle somewhere. We want to be successful and really try but become distracted with life and have the propensity to yo-yo in and out of a goal we’ve set for ourselves. As far as fitness and nutrition is concerned, this is where a coach can make a major difference and keep your focused and accountable to yourself.
Hiring someone to help guide you on your fitness journey does indicate to others you do not know what you are doing or cannot complete a goal you set for yourself without help. What hiring a coach does demonstrate is that you are truly committed to your goal and will achieve it quickly, safely, and sustain it going forward. After all, your health is an investment not an expense.

Reignite Fitness Coaching
Our core business at Reignite Fitness is online/virtual fitness and nutrition coaching. We coach individuals of all ages and fitness levels and limit the number of clients we work with at any given time. We set limits because we believe that Reignite Fitness clients require specialized attention and deserve dedicated, personalized time from our coaches in order to be successful. In other words, we do not use a cookie cutter approach with our coaching services and the fitness and nutrition programming we develop individually for each client.
Our coaches tailor plans for clients individually based on body type, age, and overall goals. We also consider personal and professional environments of each client, resources readily available to them in or near their homes, and the type of programming they may already enjoy.

How You Can Get Started with Us
If you feel that our coaching services are right for you, or you want to learn more, please complete the form on our homepage OR select and purchase the plan that interests you. You can also email jasonreignitefitness@gmail.com with comments, questions, and more.
Our coaches will generally reach out to set-up a time to talk approximately 24-48 hours after contact or a purchase is made. Should you desire to become part of the Reignite Fitness family, we will work with you as a members of your team to help you realize your nutrition and fitness goals while ultimately improving your overall health.